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The Wellsboro Community Concert Association (WCCA) originated in 1947, but the history of such associations dates back to the 1920’s, a time when many music venues in rural America were struggling to stay afloat. There was a demand for music concerts but the question was how to pay for them. Too often there was a struggle at the end of the season when costs exceeded income. The concept was to fund performances by selling season subscriptions in advance. This allowed venues and organizations to know how much money was available and thereby only book performers they could afford. The idea caught on and by the 1950’s—just a few years after WCCA was founded—there were over 1,000 associations across the country. That number has since declined but many, like WCCA, continue to flourish today.  


For much of our history WCCA used a booking agency that offered a selection of performers to choose from. More recently we have been identifying and booking acts on our own, a process that is more labor intensive but eliminates the costs of a middleman. It also allows us to present a wider range of offerings, some of which have been suggested by our subscribers. We hope that you enjoy the variety of musical genres that we bring to the area.  



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WCCA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) staffed entirely by unpaid volunteers—your friends and neighbors. Our normal six-concert season runs from early fall to late spring though we occasionally add a separate seventh concert. Our mission is to: 


  • Present high-quality concerts featuring artists of regional, national, and international reputation


  • Develop outreach programs 


  • Promote the Arts by cooperating with similar groups in our community 


  • Keep our ticket prices affordable 





Board of Directors 2024-25

Executive Committee

President: Russ Dodson

Vice President: Kevin Connelly

Secretary: Krista Peterson

Treasurer: Mary De Bockler


Board Members

Anne Acker

Jeffrey Ahlum

Arline Buchman

Jenny Connelly

Todd De Bockler

Rebecca Dodson-Webster

Kathy Eastridge

Keith Goehring

Daria Guelig

Bryn Hammarstrom

Jennifer McCarthy

Mary Rock

Julian Stam

Amy Welch

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